When ever an earthquake strike , it followed by many disasters which made it more destructive. For example earthquake followed by flood, earthquake followed by fire etc. similarly all of disaster has their followed by disaster. After flood in patna you seen cases of 1000 dengue. Means disaster has multiple edges to cut the sufferirs.
What most we can do to reduce the the divastation is Disaster Risk reduction. Best way to reduce the risk you should have a Disaster Management Plan of your Said organisation/ schools / hospital etc .
Disaster management plan is a drossier of Risk and theirs mitigation. And it has been noticed that those organisations had their DM Plan started functioning earlist after Kerla flood.
DM planning is cross functional subjects. So no single individual can develop a DM Plan . He should be a qualified DM professional. He should understand RVS, Risk, mapping, and mitigation etc.
Teacher is qualified for his subjects teaching. He can explain and teach the students a developed SDMP but he is not qualified for development for SDMP.